Friday, December 16, 2011

Bug Pun

Blue fronted dancer- the bug I have chosen to do for my bug pun. This was a fun project that really aloud us to use our creative minds. My bugs are depicted as ballet dancer and the audience of course are bugs. I have chosen to work with prisma color again as my choice of media. Overall I think that the project turned out great and I'm thinking about including it in my portfolio.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thank You Card

This is my thank you card that I've created in my self promotion class. It's playful, and incopporates the cow that is included in my logo.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bug Pun Sketch

This is my sketch for the new project "Bug Pun". I have some touching up to do, but overall I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. The lighting is going to be a challenge but so much fun at the same time. If anyone has ever been on a stage before there are many different colored lights from all directions. This could be a chance for a real good portfolio piece. Keeping my fingers crossed. Color updates later in the week.

And this is off the topic of art but I get married in 10 months and I am super excited. Juggling school work and planning a wedding has been such a challenge but is teaching me good time management skills.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Science Larger Than Life

This is a banner design for the North Museum that our senior illustration class did. I decided that I was going to work with one of my favorite mediums that I haven't worked with in quite a long time: Prisma Colors. It was a lot of fun to take a break from gouche. I enjoyed doing this project and look forward to working on the second half of the assignment: Bug Puns. I hope to have that sketch uploaded sometime today. The text reads "Science Larger Than Life" and has the dates of the exhibit. I decided to go a bit different of a route than most of the students. Many did a large bug taking looking over people, or a city, etc. I decided to build a large pyarmid of bugs to get the idea of large.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Night Crawler

So today I've decided to add another illustration for the book I am creating. Today I've decided to show what I think is everyone's favorite thing to do: Sleep/Night time. If you remember from my previous blog the idea of the illustrations are to include an animal and and an activity/object that uses the same letter. In this illustration "N" is the letter. I have been using ink and gouache for these spot illustrations. I still have to include the letters in sign language yet, but I am nearing the end of the book and hope to be ready to self publish at the end of the semester. This has been a great learning process for me to learn how to put together a digital book dummy, to do the art work, and learn how to do an online submission.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Cat Fishing

This is an image from a book that I am currently working on in my children's book class. The book I am doing is a sign language ABC book that is all about learning the letters in the alphabet. This is one of pages from the book. I have decided to show one of my favorite summer activities: Cat fishing. What I thought would be fun was to show the irony of a cat cat fishing. Overall I think it is a fun piece that shows fun bright colors that any child would enjoy. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Words Hurt

I saw this on a friends facebook page. I am not quite sure who to give the credit to but I thought this was an amzing graphic design piece. I have never scene anything quite like this before. The title of the piece is "Words Hurts" and I think that the usage of the words to create the hand around the boys neck shows that clearly. When you look at this it makes you remember that words can hurt whether you mean them to or not and maybe that's something we should think about before we speak.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Broadway Children's theater

Here are my 3 final pieces for the Broadway Children's Theater. This was my first assignment for my senior studio class and my first client driven project. The first piece is "A Christmas Carol", the second is "Wizard of oz" and the third is "Peter Pan". Most of my work is done with ink and gouache, using it a bit like water color but taking advantage of how gouache can work a little like acrylic. I was really pleased with the way that these have turned out. I was able to successfully work a little larger than normal and with my "A Christmas Carol" piece I took my first attempt at a snow scene and I feel like it turned out pretty well :)